The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
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Initially, human beings were mere gatherers, beneficieries of the land’s fruits.
They than learned how to make full use of the land, how to tame animals, and master them given their needs.
From these needs, the crafts emerged, crafts which themselves later became professions. These initial professions - essential to human
society’s progress - are forever subject to the evolution of new scientific and technical discoveries, which develop into further new professions.
The most important factor in preparing the youth in choosing their future professions - professions which they would perform passionately and successfully is the school, which lays the foundation for both theoretical training and socioprofessional
orientation to come.
No matter how much the old professions are doomed to disappear, given their replacement by technologically advanced professions, let us not forget that it is always human beings who lie at the center of society and who, as living, rational beings, creators and users of technology, always need and must rely on their fellows’ collaboration.
Dear students, congratulations on how you have shared your views! I hope that within this book’s pages, you will find ideas that support your future professional choices!
Cluj-Napoca, Romania Volume coordinator, Diana CRISTEAN, Ph.D.
2022, October