The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
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1. Meeting in Sweden- April 2022
2.Meeting in Tavankut, Serbia- May 2022
TV Subotica report https://youtu.be/S557now9nTQ
Danas newspapers- https://www.suboticadanas.rs/subotica-danas/uz-sprovodjenje-projekta-radjaju-se-nova-prijateljstva-i-ideje/
Chemical Technological School Subotica website- https://www.hts.edu.rs/vest/gosti-iz-inostranstva-510/
Vojvodjanske-regional website- https://vojvodjanske.rs/tri-u-jedan-u-skoli-matija-gubec/
Subotica website- https://www.subotica.info/2022/05/19/tri-u-jedan-u-skoli-matija-gubec
3. Meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2022
4. Meeting in KahramanmaraÅŸ, Turkey, November 2022
5. Meeting in Gaigalava, Latvia, May 2023
6. Meeting in Sweden- June 2023