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The school "Matija Gubec" is located in Tavankut, in Serbia. It is a public primary school, up to which is attended by students from 7 to 14 years old. 261students and 58 teachers. Teaching is conducted in 3 different centers: Donji Tavankut and two branches Ljutovo and Gornji Tavankut. The school is bilingual and the teaching process runs in Serbian and Croatian languages. The school established cross-border cooperation with schools from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and North Macedonia. The main activity is education, both formal and informal.
Other important elements of the institution's work are improvement communication in a multi ethnic environment and activation of people in a rural environment. Our school joined the project because its implementation is an opportunity for the development of competences important from a lifelong learning perspective in cooperation with peers from all over Europe. Is it is extremely important to strengthen the community's belief that young people in rural areas people have the same development opportunities as residents of large cities. Our employees will gain the opportunity to share professional experience with teachers and compare systems education in a European context. Our school will benefit from the residents of Tavankut and parents the name of a modern institution developing a sense of European belonging among young people.
Our school participated in the following projects: 1. UNICEF School without violence 2. World Bank program. Preservation of authenticity and tradition 3. Vojvodina Regional Center Education, Administration and National Minorities "Serbia and Romania - friendship in differences" (exchange of students and teachers) 4. World Children's Fund, Washington - club "Moonlight 9" 5. UNICEF Educational tourism including rural tourism and preservation of tradition (the school provides 12 beds) 6. Vojvodina Regional Center for Youth and Sport - International strengthening the position of student self-governments in activities preventing violence on the network 7. MIOS - 4th Conference "School open to the community - school for everyone" Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 8. Nansen Dialogue Center Osijek - 'A school in international building communities', Orahovica 10. Ministry of Education: Scientific and technological development of the Republic Serbia 11. Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, Nansen Dialogue Center Serbia, Nansen Dialogue Center Osijek - "Cross-border cooperation between educational institutions The Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia "Persons responsible for the project: Stanislava Stantić Prćić, school head, she participated in international projects Josip Kojić, teacher, project coordinator indicated teachers (also on behalf of). We have experience in cooperation, the technological potential of the region that we will use to improve quality STEM teaching and cultural heritage to be presented to partners.