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Our school is a Social Sciences High School which was established in 1989 as Teachers Training Anatolian High School. In 2014 it was converted. Social Sciences High Schools were established to train highly qualified science people in the fields of Literature and Social Sciences. The students whose interests and talents are abounding in these fields are getting prepared to the related higher education faculties. There are Turkish, English and Arabic classes to help the students keep abreast of every development about science, cultures and technology.
The curriculum promotes to understand and interpret the Turkish artistic and cultural background, and guides to develop new projects. The students are chosen by the national exam conducted by the Ministry of National Education. For that reason, they are very hardworking and ready to do scientific projects. Social Sciences High Schools are for five years, the first year is the preparatory (languages mainly English). The students have Languages, Social Sciences and Mathematics classes during the other four years. It has 500 students (both girls and boys), 34 teachers, a principal, 4 deputies, 2 officers, a nurse and 7 janitors. It is a boarding school having girl students from around the city which enables it having different kinds of students with different family backgrounds. They come from different socio-economic classes of society.
We had completed two Comenius projects and an Erasmus + project successfully. This motivates our students and teachers to improve themselves on the basis of learning new languages, cultures and ideas. Our classrooms are all equipped with smartboards and all the teachers have certificates to use those boards. Most students’ books have related software that is used on the smartboards. The school environment is open to new ideas and eager to work in new projects. Our deputy (who is an English teacher and the contact person of the project) will be the key person in charge of running the project with the Languages Department of the school. She is experienced as far as she was the coordinator of our previous projects. In case she leaves her post in the future, the other two deputies of the school are also experienced and voluntary to work in. They will be also in the project group. There is also an ICT teacher at school. All teachers in our school have well developed team-work and computer skills as well as the ability to communicate in technological ways. In our school we have introduced digital classes, in which we provide our students with sophisticated and very modern devices which replace the classical books and, exploiting the students' native digital competence, we implement new models of teaching. For instance, we use e-learning platforms, or the flipped-classroom method, or different applications or we invite our students to do research work in order to make our lessons successful for our purposes.