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The purpose of the contest is to design and choose a logo for our Erasmus+ project „Key to to my Career by Having Intelectual Norms”. The logo should be used in all media.
The official contest rules:
To design and choose a logo for our Erasmus + project „Key to to my Career by Having Intelectual Norms- KEYCHAIN” which will be used in every document, product and website.
The logo must reflect the nature of the project; therefore it must contain:
a. the project’s theme: STEM
b. the project’s partners: Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Sweden and Serbia.
All students taking part in the project can participate. They can do it individually or in pairs, small groups. Each country must present one logo chosen previously for the competiton among those presented by students. The best logo from each country will be presented on our project website.
The competition is open from December 7th to January 20th.
The chosen logo from each country must be sent to the organisator of the competiton till January 10th.
From January 10th to January 20th, every participating school will vote for the best logo by taking part in an online poll.
The link will be presented on our project website.
The logo must be submitted in a digital format.
The logo must be a personal creation, it must not be a copy of an existing logo.
The students agree not to use any photos of people who would not agree to the publication of their image.
The logo will be property of the Erasmus + project and it reserves the right to modify the winning logo to better fit the needs of the initiative.
The partners made the following logos
1. Sweden
2. Serbia
3. Turkey
4. Romania
5. Latvia
The students in each partner school voted via online surveys giving 1-4 points to each logo. The results
were the following-
1. Latvia- 328 points
2. Serbia- 274 points
3. Sweden- 239 points
4. Turkey- 229 points
5. Romania- 154 points