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Str. Horticultorilor Nr. 1 Cluj-Napoca, România
Telefon/fax: 0264542396
Email: scoala_brancusi@yahoo.com
CLUJ – NAPOCA, ROMANIA, 20 – 23.09.2022
1st Day – Tuesday, 20.09.2022
- 8.40 – meeting at the hotel with Romanian representatives
- 9.00 – 13.30 – WELCOME at the host school
- The country, city, national features and school presentation
*coffee break
- Discussions about Keychain project; download of the materials for the publication “Jobs of the Future”
- The country, city, national features and school presentation
*break for refreshments
- Interactive activity Explorers of the Future
- 14.30 – lunch
- 16.00 – 18.00 – guided cultural city tour
2nd Day – Wednesday, 21.09.2022
- 8.30 – meeting in front of the school with Romanian representatives
- 9.00 – 10.00 – visit at “Elf” High School
- 10.00 – 11.30 – Accenture Software Industrial Solutions – 1st series: 18 persons
- 11.30 – 13.00 – Accenture Software Industrial Solutions – 2nd series: 17 persons
- 13.30 – 14.30 – lunch
- 21.00 – visit at the Astronomic Observatory of ”Babes – Bolyai” University of Cluj – Napoca (Faculty of Physics)
3rd Day – Thursday, 22.09.2022
- 8.00 – meeting at the hotel with Romanian’s representatives
- 9.00 – 11.00 – visit at The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
- 12.00 – 13.30 – visit at The Technical University of Cluj – Napoca
- 14.00 – 15.00 – lunch
- 15.30 – 19.00
Free time
Activities with Romanian students and their families
*at 19.00 the families will bring the students at the hotel
4th Day – Friday, 23.09.2022
- 8.00 – meeting at the hotel with Romanian representatives
- 8.45 – 9.45 – visit at The Universitary Library of Cluj-Napoca
- 10.00 – 11.00 – visit at the Zoologic Museum of the “Babes – Bolyai” University, Cluj - Napoca
- 11.10 – 12.30 – visit at the Geography Faculty of the “Babes – Bolyai” University, Cluj – Napoca
- 12.45 – 14.15 – visit of the Botanic Garden of the “Babes – Bolyai” University, Cluj – Napoca
- 14.20 – 16.00 – City center – meeting with Romanian students
- 17.00 – 20.00 – final project discussions, conclusions, evaluation of the meeting (at school)
- “Signal of signals and the tree of friendship” – short activity for teachers and students
- Certificates’ ceremony
- Dinner – buffet
Description of the activities:
The project meeting held in Romania was between 20-23 September 2022 and it comprised four meeting days.
On the first day, Tuesday, the 20th of September, the Erasmus groups of teachers and students were met by the Romanian hosts at Constantin Brancusi Secondary School in Cluj-Napoca. They were all given a presentation regarding Romania, the City of Cluj-Napoca, Romanian national features, the school presentation and also went on a school tour. The students did an interactive activity called Explorers of the Future. After that, the students were divided into four mixed groups, that is groups formed by students from each country and were given the task to work together and make vlogs that included pictures and films from the Erasmus meeting in Romania. They had to choose a representative that would present the vlog on the last day to all the participants at the meeting. Meanwhile the teachers had a meeting to discuss project matters such as the photo and poster competition and to be given guidelines for them. The teachers discussed upon the publication Jobs of the Future, a publication that has to be done by the Romanian team.
On the second day, Wednesday, the 21st of September, the Erasmus groups of teachers and students visited a private institution of education, namely Elf High School. Here students got to see modern teaching classrooms and facilities, laboratories and library. And they were given a presentation about the school and also about the Elf network of private kindergartens and schools that exist in the city of Cluj-Napoca. Afterwards, they visited Accenture Software Industrial Solutions, a world-wide IT company. Here the students were given a presentation regarding the robotic arm and each one of them also got to test the robotic arm. In the evening, a visit at the Astronomical Observatory of Babes-Bolyai University was organized and the teachers and students were given a presentation about astronomic observations as well as the powerful telescope that the observatory has.
On the third day, the Erasmus groups visited the University of Agricultural Sciences and Vetenary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca. They were given a presentation of the University and they were shown different laboratories including one that produces probiotics. Later on, the Erasmus groups visited the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and were presented chemistry experiments.
On the fourth day, Friday, the 23rd of September, the Erasmus groups visited the Universitary Library of Cluj-Napoca where they were given a presentation of the library and its history. Afterwards, they were taken on a tour of the library and they were shown the different sectors. The day continued with the visit of the Zoological Museum of Babes-Bolyai University where students and teachers got to admire the various exhibits. Afterwards, they all visited the Faculty of Geography of Babes-Bolyai University and had the opportunity to learn about a didactical meteorological station. The visit continues with the Botanical Garden of Babes Bolyai University and the Erasmus group got to admire the diverse species of flowers and plants.
In the afternoon, a final project meeting was held with the purpose of exchanging feedback and expressing opinions and conclusions. The students presented their vlogs. A short activity was held by the Romanian project coordinator prof. dr. Diana Cristean entitled “The Signal of Signals and the Tree of Friendship”. All participants were given Participation Certificates by the Romanian project team.