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Our school is a small institution located in the town of Gaigalava, in a rural area, not far away Rzezyca city, economic and cultural center of this part of Latvia. Region in which it is located our school, east Latvia, is considered economically underdeveloped and focused on agriculture. The school employs 15 teachers and has 80 students. Our students are from 7 to 16 years old, up to schools are attended by children with special educational needs whose integration takes place in general classes. Most of them come from moderately prosperous and poor families, many of them struggling with problems, unemployment and lost faith in a better future.
In this situation, school has become not only an educational center, but also a cultural and communication center. What's more, ours the school tries to offer a variety of extracurricular activities for students, such as: sports club, activities art, folk dance, choir and folklore group, theater and robotics classes. School can boast of many years of heritage in preserving Latvian traditions and culture. However, there is the education of students for conscious and responsible young people desiring change a lot in your life, actively participating in a variety of national, cultural, sporting and artistic events, not only in the hometown, but throughout the country and give them awareness of belonging to the European community. We decided to submit to the project, because our students are at risk of social exclusion because of economic restrictions .
Cooperation with partner schools is the only opportunity for them meetings and contacts with peers and people from abroad, raising social competences and language and travel to gain specific priority knowledge including science project. They will learn about the application of knowledge in industry and technology because they don't have that opportunity in their village. This project will help them break stereotypes about others cultures, develop tolerance attitudes, and increase the motivation to learn thanks to acquired knowledge, faith in your abilities and willingness to change your lifestyle. The persons responsible for implementing the project are principal, teachers of English, mathematics and science (Science). In our we believe in "teaching through action", so we set tasks for students requiring activity and challenges. Every year they participate and achieve good results in various professions, not only in the field of academic knowledge, but also sports, singing, dance. Our teachers will bring to the project the necessary knowledge they have gained in the last few years on international cooperation and commitment to work in a group. As partners we will be very motivated, willing to work and responsible proving that although we are a small school, we are able to fulfill all planned activities. We also have full support from the school's headmaster and parents' council.