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"Constantin Brancusi" is a public primary and secondary school located in the area urbanized city of Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca), Cluj County, in the Transylvania region. The school employs 34 teachers and 615 students between the ages of 6 and 15, working with students who come from different social levels. Some come from broken families, orphanages and very low-income families.
The school does a lot programs: - in 2009 we won the International ECO-SCHOOL and GREEN FLAG title by FEE, - in the years 2008, 2011 and 2014 the title EUROPEAN SCHOOL (EUROPEAN SCHOOL) given by the Minister of Education. The school decided to submit to the project because of its goals meet our needs, especially in the exchange of good practices and interdisciplinary teaching, including biology, physics and chemistry teaching and learning process and foreign languages. We are also motivated by the emotional dimension of participation in the project, unique student experiences and impact on their personal development.
We observe our needs pupils in this respect and they are expressed by them in conversations and surveys, as well as observations and diagnoses indicate the students' greatest difficulties in acquiring skills mathematics and science, while at the same time these fields are closest to everyday needs. All students also want contacts in the English language they learn in school. The key people implementing the project will be biology, physics and chemistry teachers and primary school class teachers (8 people in total) will be involved. If they leave the project will be replaced by specialists for important reasons.
The experience of our school and the knowledge of employees that will be valuable for the project are: previous LLP Comenius Project "An Open Mind for Discovery", many activities and competitions, in which our students and teachers participated. We have developed a set of good and materials practices (experiments, theoretical work of students, interdisciplinary tests) that have been collected in the publishing house (335 pages). The effects of this work will be valuable to the project, as well presentation of other materials, eg PMC Fun and Maths (2009-2011) presenter interactive methods close to everyday life. All listed areas show long-term interest of teachers and students in improving teaching and raising competence in science through direct experience and knowledge discovery, a also indicating the application of acquired knowledge.